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Breakout Strategy

According to this strategy, you open a deal when the price breaks out of the current level and continues its movement in the same direction. A deal should be opened after a candlestick body breaks out the level of support or resistance and a new candlestick moves in the same direction.

What to do when you see this signal:

1) The price chart has reached a support or resistance level.

2) Wait for the candlestick to appear, breaking out of the level with its body and closing there.

3) Wait for a new candlestick moving in the breakout direction.

4) Trade online in the breakout direction after closing a confirming candlestick.

Buying a put after a breakout of the support level

Buying a put after a breakout of the descending trend channel

Buying a call after a breakout of the descending trend line

Using a breakout strategy you should always have a signal confirmation as a breakout can be false. A false breakout of the level appears when the first candlestick breaks the level and the second candlestick returns back to opening price of the first candlestick.

Aspects of the false breakout:

1) A candlestick has broken the level with its shade and closed inside the level.

2) A candlestick has been closed at the level or a bit outside and a new candlestick returned to the range inside the level.

False breakout of the support level

If a reversal or indecisive candlestick appears following a breakout, there's a possibility that the breakout is false. In such instances, it is advisable to exercise caution and wait for a candlestick to confirm the breakout direction before engaging in online trading. Initiate your trades after the closing of the confirming candlestick for a more reliable signal.

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